No Contracts

No Contract Dumpster Rental

Why we don’t need contracts?

At Disposal Queen we do not believe in contracts to lock our clients. As our customer, you’ll have the freedom to sign up, change, or cancel our services at any time with no penalty. You will never be pressured into agreeing to services that you don’t want. You can read more How a Disposal Contract Can Screw You Up.

We do believe our excellent customer service and competitive prices eliminate the need to lock you into a contract. Our service is customized to meet your needs rather than based on an obscure contract clause. Disposal Queen doesn’t believe that contracts are necessary because we’re focused on customer satisfaction. We are happy if you’re happy with our services.

At Disposal Queen we provide:

 Service to industrial, commercial and institutional locations

 Efficient collection

 Competitive prices

 Real-time manifests

 Tailored system fit for you

 Customized pick-up schedules

 Container maintenance

 Environmentally Conscious Vehicles Operating with Natural Gas